Monday, December 23, 2013

The beginning of the story

This started after I watched the the movie "The Expendables".  The 1955 Ford that they celebrated struck a chord in me.  I currently drive a Ford Explorer which might as well be a minivan.  I started thinking about the truck I learned to drive in, a 1969 Ford Ranger.  Not really a hot rod to me.  When I started looking around, I decided that I liked the pre 1970 Chevys and had seen several around town that I liked.   Growing up Dad had an early 60s Chevy truck but it was long gone, or so I thought.  While sharing with Dad my plans, I asked what had happened to the Chevy.  To my surprise, he had just moved it from his brother's place.  It was available if I wanted it.  After a drive up to inspect it I was disappointed.  The years outside had not been kind.  I processed for a couple of weeks, doing some research and thinking about how much work it would be to get it back in shape.  I don't have that much experience with these kind of repairs.  I don’t know….. then I decided.  I have enough memories of the truck that I might as well give it a try.  My son is eight and I decided that it would be an opportunity to teach, share, and learn with him.  So the 1960 Chevy Apache 10 that I  grew up with will be the same truck that my son grows up with.  Let the games begin!

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