Friday, December 27, 2013

Bringing Rusty home

I got a call from my Uncle last night.  He was asking if I had time the next morning to go get the truck.  Of course I was available! :)  It was like a second Christmas this week!  I have been excited to get the truck home where I could really see what I was up against.    I told him yes and called my Dad to see if he could bring out the tractor so we could get it out without getting stuck.  Why is it I always seem to work on cars outside in the winter?  
     Ron has a trailer that effortlessly made short work of this task.  Once we got down to it and aired up the tire again it only took a few minutes to pull it onto the trailer and we were headed back up to the road.  We chained it down and were on our way.  
     Now you have to understand that this thing is a basket case.  Until we started to unload I had not realized all the things I take for granted, even in a car that I am hauling around.  Things like tires that hold air, doors that open, windows that roll down and last but not least…brakes that work.  Fortunately after climbing in through the back window, I tested the emergency brake and it worked.  Laying a truck down from a tilt bed trailer, four feet from the front of my garage made me a bit nervous, but the cable system that Ron has in place worked perfect and we dropped it right where I wanted it. 
      Tomorrow I will see if I can get the doors open, then the cleaning begins.  Thanks Uncle Ron and Dad for your help today!


Did you catch the name in the title?  As I was saying goodbye to my wife this morning she jokingly ”suggested” I name the truck Rusty.  I think the name's gonna stick.

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